Is There No Downside To Being Unable To Locate Your Own Pooched Out Succulent Sphincter Without A Support Staff And A GoFundMe Campaign?
Funny? This one knocked my Tricerasocks off.
You reminded me of my favorite Dinahsaurus.
Good one. I'm still trying to reconstruct a Miltonnosaurus Berle from chicken bones.
"Double Bubble foils spells trouble; Milton Berle eats saurian stubble!"
-- Fully Mature Victor, "Delightfully Jonesing"
"Between the dark and the dimwits,
When the vote is beginning to sour,
Comes an end to the day's insurrections,
That is known as the Orange Man's glower."
--Sônia Bragga-Docio, Earth Mother of Intention
"Fuck them all,
Fuck them all,
The long and the short and the tall.
Fuck all the liberals
And fuck all their cunts
Fuck all the Nazis
Too pussy to bunt..."
-- Falafel: The Song Of The South Also Riseth And Falleth
Thurman Stromboli, Horticultural Engineer
"Who the fuck approved this fucking script without my fucking permission? And where the fuck is Uncle fucking Remus?"
--Walt "Way-Down-South-In-The-Land-Of" Disney, Chief Plantation Fart
Funny? This one knocked my Tricerasocks off.
You reminded me of my favorite Dinahsaurus.
Good one. I'm still trying to reconstruct a Miltonnosaurus Berle from chicken bones.
"Double Bubble foils spells trouble; Milton Berle eats saurian stubble!"
-- Fully Mature Victor, "Delightfully Jonesing"
"Between the dark and the dimwits,
When the vote is beginning to sour,
Comes an end to the day's insurrections,
That is known as the Orange Man's glower."
--Sônia Bragga-Docio, Earth Mother of Intention
"Fuck them all,
Fuck them all,
The long and the short and the tall.
Fuck all the liberals
And fuck all their cunts
Fuck all the Nazis
Too pussy to bunt..."
-- Falafel: The Song Of The South Also Riseth And Falleth
Thurman Stromboli, Horticultural Engineer
"Who the fuck approved this fucking script without my fucking permission? And where the fuck is Uncle fucking Remus?"
--Walt "Way-Down-South-In-The-Land-Of" Disney, Chief Plantation Fart